Alabama • Arkansas • Florida • Georgia • Kentucky • Louisiana • Mississippi • North Carolina • Puerto Rico • South Carolina • Tennessee • Virgin Islands • Virginia • West Virginia
Jim Liles Student Award
The Jim Liles Student Award is intended to assist students who want to make presentations at a CSA Southeastern Region symposium. These presentations may be on any costume-related topic. The work should be well researched and may or may not be thesis, dissertation, course research project, independent study research, or senior project related. Up to TWO students whose papers are accepted will receive up to $500 each to cover travel and other related expenses. The Registration fee will be waived for all student presenters, regardless of whether they receive this award.
Colleen Callahan Professional Development Award
Members are invited to apply for the Professional Development Grant offered by Southeastern Region of the Costume Society of America. Awards will be made at a minimum of $250 with the total award not to exceed $1000. Your project may be on any aspect of costume, any technical skill, or any administrative expertise which will further the mission and purposes of the Costume Society of America. The grant money may be applied to research, a course, workshop fees, or travel.
Contact Leigh Southward with any questions about either of these awards.
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