Delaware • Maryland • New Jersey • New York • Pennsylvania • Washington, DC
CSA’s Mid-Atlantic Region holds events on a regular basis.
If you have an idea for an event, please contact our Programs and Events Coordinator, Cybele Moon.
Community of St. John Baptist
82 West Main Street, Mendham, NJ
Saturday, April 26, 2025
10:30am to 2:00pm Eastern Time
The Community of St. John Baptist is a religious order for women in the Episcopal Church located in Mendham, NJ. Founded in England in 1852 and established in America in 1874, the Sisters' primary work took in abused and destitute women and children from the streets, caring for them and teaching them skills to earn a living. One way to support this work was by establishing Church Work Rooms to make and sell church vestments. An important collection of vestments and ecclesiastical textiles is housed at the Convent and contains examples of vestments from the late 15th through 20th century. Much of the collection comprises items made by the CSJB sisters and other religious communities. Archival materials related to ecclesiastical and domestic embroidery, patterns, work room records and books round out the collection.
Images: Exhibition Installation, 2022. Credit: Joshua White
10:30am: Arrival and introductions in the convent Parlor of The Community of St. John Baptist.
11:00am: Viewing and presentation of the history of ecclesiastical textiles from the convent’s collection in the Church Workroom with Marianna Garthwaite Klaiman, Associate of CSJB.
12:00pm: Box lunch in the convent Parlor.
12:40pm: Continue viewing of historical textiles after a walk to the Main Chapel for a tour in the sacristy with Marianna.
2:00pm: End of event. Attendees are welcome to walk the grounds at the Community which includes trails and a labyrinth.
Some parts of this tour are not ADA accessible as the Main Chapel location can only be reached by climbing 2 flights of stairs.
There is a 15-person participation limit for this event. Lunch is included with registration for this event and a vegetarian option will be available.
Registration Fees
Members: $30
Student Members: $10
Nonmembers: $35
Registration closes on Wednesday, April 23, 2025.
For detailed driving instructions from the PA/ NY/ NJ area to the Community of St. John the Baptist see this link from their website: FYI - the convent is about a mile or so up a private road and GPS maps sometimes do not accurately give the convent location or show details.
Heading West on Route 510 (Main Street) from the center of town the convent driveway with sign is on the left between North Linden Lane and Farmhouse Lane both located on the right. When you make the left turn onto the convent driveway off of West Main Street, Mendham (Rt 24) go up the hill then bear to the right.
You will pass the old CSJB school on your left. Continue up the drive - the cemetery, main chapel and white stucco convent building will be on your left. On the right will be a large brick building, St. Marguerites Retreat House. There is ample parking in front of and next to St. Marguerites and just a short walk across the drive to the convent.
Parking: There is plenty of free parking at the site.
Public transportation: NJ Transit Take the NJ Transit - Morris & Essex Line to the Morristown, NJ station. If coming from New York - it is recommended that you take the 8:11am train leaving Penn Station to arrive at 9:28am in Morristown.
Attendees would then need to take a ride share from the Morristown, NJ train station to the Community of St. John the Baptist at 82 West Main Street, Mendham, NJ as there is no local bus or public transport from the train station.
Our host Marianna Garthwaite Klaiman highly recommends the Morristown Taxi LLC for traveling to and from the convent as they know the area much better than the Uber/ Lyft drivers.
Approximate taxi cost is $40.00 (plus tax & tip) between Morristown and Mendham, NJ. Please let us know if you intend to travel this way so we can do our best to group participants to share the cost. - 973-539-6611 - Please reserve a taxi the night before
For other interesting places to visit nearby see these links:
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