Alabama • Arkansas • Florida • Georgia • Kentucky • Louisiana • Mississippi • North Carolina • Puerto Rico • South Carolina • Tennessee • Virgin Islands • Virginia • West Virginia
CSA’s Southeastern Region holds events on a regular basis.
If you have an idea for an event, please contact our Programs and Events Coordinator, Carrie Cox.
Funding is available each year to support mini-meetings within the Region by providing monies required to publicize these events (up to $125 per meeting). Meetings can be designed around a local event such as a theatrical performance or museum exhibition and can be in partnership with an organization, an historic home, a museum, or a bordering CSA region. These smaller versions of the Region’s annual symposium are encouraged because they not only provide local CSA members with costume programming but also foster interest in costume topics among potential members.
For information or to propose a mini-meeting topic and location, please contact Carrie Cox.
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