The Howard Vincent Kurtz Emerging Theatre Artist Award recognizes student members and seeks to foster their development. It is given annually and provides financial assistance to a student who has been selected to present a brief overview of their research/creative work at the CSA National Symposium.
The student receives up to a $500 travel stipend and day-of-presentation registration fee; also, a two-year student membership in CSA. Funded through the CSA Endowment, the award is intended to encourage student participation in both the symposium and CSA.
The Award was established in 2021 and is named for its contributor, Howard Vincent Kurtz, who has had a diverse career as a costume designer, educator of theater costume design, and a costume curator. He is a professional costume designer who is a member of the United Scenic Artist Local 829. Howard was a patternmaker and draper of costumes on Broadway, Hollywood films, and television. He is a Professor Emeritus of Theater at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA where Howard served as Resident Costume Designer and head of the Design Tech program. During that time, Professor Kurtz also was an Associate Curator of Costumes and Textiles at Hillwood Museum and Gardens in Washington DC. A Fellow of the Costume Society of America, Howard also served on its Board of Directors, Chair of the Endowment, treasurer, and as treasurer and president of the Mid-Atlantic Region. He continues to lecture on a wide range of costume history topics for various organizations.
Applicants will be evaluated by:
A complete application should be uploaded as one (1) pdf document under 100MB using this online form and include the following information in listed form:
See the rubric tab for more information.
Each criterion is rated according to the following scale:
4 = exemplary, 3 = proficient, 2 = emerging, 1 = needs improvement
The application deadline is December 15, 2024. Applicants will be notified of the results in mid-January 2025. The award winner will be sent a discount code for the day-of-registration fee. Following the presentation at the National Symposium, reimbursement of up to $500 of expenses to present at the symposium will be paid upon completion of travel and submission of an expense report.
Kessler Jones
Michigan State University
Mona Jahani
Michigan State University
Monsieur d’Eon is a Woman
Yee Lin Elaine Yuen
Kent State University
A Recreation of Knitted Bustle Dress for Theatrical Production
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