CSA recognizes that many individuals with diverse interests contribute to the endeavors of the organization. Not to be overlooked are the entrepreneurs who are makers, freelance conservators, textiles artists, bloggers, and more. All entrepreneurs have a need to be creative problem solvers and often innovate in order to create their dreams and move their ideas forward. CSA hopes to recognize those persons who make the major part of their income through such endeavors—and enrich CSA’s mission. The successful applicant for this award demonstrates creative and effective business concepts and / or product design to the field of clothing, costume, and dress, and is excited to share their work with CSA members at the national symposium. The individual(s) does not have to be a member of CSA at the time of nomination.
The CSA Entrepreneur Recognition Award will be given bi-annually with the first award presented in 2022. The awardee will be an invited speaker at the national symposium and will receive a certificate, an honorarium of $525.00, a $500.00 travel stipend, and coverage of the day-of-presentation registration fee, all funded by the CSA Endowment. In addition, the recipient(s) will receive a new 1 – year Business Associate membership or renewal (if current member) to CSA. Awardees are encouraged to provide any of their advertising materials to be included in the symposium welcome packets and have the option to receive a vendor table for the day of their presentation.
The CSA Entrepreneur Recognition Award reflects the Costume Society of America’s interest in and encouragement of creative entrepreneurship in the fields of costume and
dress. This award was established by Wendy Goldstein, who founded and owned Costume Specialists Inc. for 38 years. It continues as a multifaceted company based in Columbus, Ohio, that designs costumes, manufactures corporate logo characters, and manages them for companies around the world. Wendy also owns Studio Creative, a Clintonville co-working space with an industrial sewing machine workroom membership option. Wendy serves on The Columbus Fashion Council Board, is a mentor for The Women’s Small Business Accelerator, is a Past President of the Midwest region of The National Association of Women Business Owners and has served on the Costume Society of America Board of Directors. Goldstein is a Senior Lecturer at The Ohio State University where she teaches History of Twentieth Century Fashion and Branding online. She continues to have a passion to help women small business owners.
Individuals interested in applying for this award must have a track record of at least one year successfully operating the business venture and demonstrate “entrepreneurial essence” by filling an existing market void; innovating a new process or product; or creating new avenues for research and creativity in dress to be presented.
This may include, but is not exclusive to:
The individual(s) does not have to be a member of CSA at the time of nomination.
Nominees will be evaluated by:
The nomination for the 2026 award should be uploaded as one (1) pdf document under 100 MB, using an line form available in summer of 2025, and include the following information in listed order:
1. Nominator's contact information and nominee's contact information (if different from the nominator).
2. Business Description (1000 words)
3. Entrepreneurial Statement
4. CSA Value Added Statement
See the rubric tab for more information.
Each criterion is rated according to the following scale:
5 = excellent, 4 = good, 3 = average, 2 = fair, 1 = poor
The application deadline is October 15, 2025. Award results will be announced at the 2026 symposium. The awardee is invited to present at the 2026 National Symposium. and will be sent a discount code for the day-of-registration fee. The certificate, honorarium, and travel stipend will be presented at the symposium.
Tricia Camacho
The Patterned Seamstress LLC and Creative Costume Academy
Mocksville, NC
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