CSA Betty Kirke Excellence

in Research Award

The Betty Kirke Excellence in Research Award recognizes exceptional scholarship. It is given every year to the author(s) of one abstract proposal accepted at the annual symposium. It is open to all CSA members who conduct research from different perspectives and advance knowledge in the areas of studies covered by CSA. The Abstract Committee for each symposium selects the winning abstract proposal before the symposium based on the highest rated selection in the peer-reviewed process.

The author(s) of the research receive a $750 honorarium, a $600 travel stipend, a certificate, and day-of-presentation registration fee, endowed by Mrs. Betty Kirke and managed through the CSA Endowment. The funds will be divided and distributed evenly amongst the authors.

The award was established in 2015 and is named for its contributor, Mrs. Betty Kirke, who had careers as a fashion designer, costume conservator and author in New York City. Her book, Madeleine Vionnet, generated one of the most fascinating and unconventional assessments of a designer’s mind and won CSA’s Millia Davenport Publication Award in 1999. Her careful measuring of distorted garments cut on the bias led to the production of multiple patterns that were then analyzed to produce new knowledge on Vionnet’s approaches, unattainable through traditional research.

  • Eligibility

    To be eligible for an award:

    • the author(s) of an abstract must be CSA member(s) at the time of the abstract due date
    • one or multiple authors must send an abstract proposal to an annual symposium (please follow instructions and deadlines to comply to this requirement)
    • when an abstract is selected, one or multiple authors must present it in person at the symposium
    • abstracts for Completed Research Presentations (Research, Design-Based, Project-Based) and Creative Works Exhibition will be considered.
  • Requirements

    Abstracts will be evaluated using the following criteria:

    • topic is original and will add to the body of knowledge in the field
    • purpose is clearly stated and accomplished
    • research methods are appropriate to the purpose
    • research sources are varied
    • conclusion is clearly articulated

    See the rubric tab for more information.

    The abstracts that scored in the top 5% that were submitted to the symposium by CSA members are eligible for consideration to the Betty Kirke Research Award. The winning recipient, as evaluated by three reviewers, guided by the rubric, will be notified prior to the conference.

    An invitation to submit an extended proposal will be sent to eligible applicants in mid-December, 2024.

  • Rubric

    Each criterion is rated on a scale from 4 - 1 (4 being the highest score).

    1. Research thesis objective, approach, or argument
    2. Description of research design/method
    3. Literature review and the relationship of the literature to your research question(s)
    4. Findings—their significance and limitations
    5. Organization and clarity
    6. Quality of writing

  • Award Schedule

    The Abstract Submittal/Application Deadline for the Annual Meeting is October 1, 2024.  By December 15, 2024, the submitters of abstracts that score in the top 5% will be notified to submit additional materials with a deadline of January 15, 2025.  The committee will make the final selection and send notifications in mid-February, 2025. The certificate, honorarium, and travel stipend will be presented at the symposium.

Contact CSA's National Office

for more information.

Contact CSA's National Office



Anne Bissonnette, University of Alberta


Sherry Schofield, Florida State University


Tina Bates

Ottawa, ON, Canada


Patricia Edmonson

Cleveland, Ohio


Katie Knowles

Fort Collins, Colorado


Kate Burnett Budzyn

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Denise N. Green and Patrizia Sione

Cornell University


Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell

Glendale, California


Dr. Claire Nicholas

Lincoln, Nebraska


Dr. Lynn Sorge

Halifax, Novia Scotia, Canada

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