A CSA College and University Collection Care Grant of $1500 is intended to assist the costume and textiles collection of a college or university that receives little or no financial support from its institution. Funding may be used to support the care, conservation, and/or instructional mission of a collection of historic, period, or otherwise informative costume and textiles that are intended for preservation and are used for study by an institution that has a degree program in apparel, textiles, or theatre.
First awarded in 2006, and now funded by the CSA Endowment, one or more College and University Collection Care Grants is awarded annually. These grants assist a college or university collection (not eligible for a Small Museum Collection Care Grant) and may be used for appropriate supplies or display items, the services of a consultant or specialist, or other projects which relate directly to the institution’s costume collection and foster the care or use of the collection at a level appropriate to the particular collection’s most pressing needs. This grant does not permit an “overhead” or “operational cut” that many colleges and universities typically take from grant funds they receive.
Institutions applying for a grant must meet the following requirements:
A CSA College and University Collection Care Grant is intended to make a dramatic beneficial impact on the receiving institution’s costume collection. There is no set limit on institutional budget size, since the field of candidates may vary from year to year; however, budget size and access to other financial resources will be taken into account when selecting grant recipients, with strong preference given to projects supporting collections that receive little or no financial support from their college or university.
A complete application should be uploaded as one (1) pdf document under 100MB using this online submission form and include the following in listed order:
1. A document including your contact information.
2. Project Proposal (1000 words) including:
a. Brief description of the proposed project. Include specific information about the scope/number of costume objects to which it pertains;
b. Brief description of the institution and the program(s) that the collection supports;
c. Describe the size, scope, and use of the costume collection. Briefly detail:
i. Any objects of significance to the institution or to the study or dress/textiles;
ii. How it is used to support the relevant department(s) and curriculum;
iii. Whether the collection is used for research, teaching, and/or exhibition;
iv. The impact of the proposed project.
d. Budget and Narrative: Including a summary of the department’s budget that supports the collection and explain why the institution needs this grant to meet the collection’s pressing needs. Include an estimate of supplies, personnel, and materials needed. NOTE: For a list of archival supplies and supplies, please consult the Archival Supplies list
e. Timeline and feasibility of accomplishing the project;
f. Roster of personnel involved with the collection and project. Provide the name, qualifications, and experience. Staff members should have basic knowledge of current standards of caring for fiber-based objects;
g. If the project involves a consultant or specialist, name the person and describe the individual’s qualifications. Include a letter of intent from that person agreeing to work for the compensation outlined in the budget and within the time frame of the project. To find a qualified conservator, please visit the American Institute of Conservation website at https://www.culturalheritage.org/about-conservation/find-a-conservator
3. A statement of support form completed by the administrator of the department that oversees the collection.
4. 3 to 5 images of your proposed project’s goals. Images must be included in the one (1) pdf under 100 MB.
Each criterion is rated on a scale from 1 - 10 (from lowest to highest).
The application deadline is October 15, 2024. Grant recipients will be notified by January 15, 2025 and announced at the CSA National Symposium. Grant funds will be available by the date of the Annual Meeting. Funded projects must be completed by June 30, 2026.
Recipient must publicly acknowledge CSA in all lectures, publications, publicity pertaining to the award.
Upon completion of their project, each institution must submit a brief report of activities (1 page), with before and after images, to the grant committee chair. Completed projects will be publicized in CSA's e-News and media in the institution’s area.
California College of the Arts
San Francisco, California
No grant awarded
Beloit College, Neese Historic Costume Collection
Beloit, WI
West Chester University Museum of Anthropology & Archaeology
West Chester, PA
Columbus College of Art and Design
Columbus, OH
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE
The Design Center at Philadelphia University
Philadelphia, PA
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH
No grant awarded
Textiles and Clothing Museum
Iowa State University
Ames, IL
University of Rhode Island, Department of Textiles, Fashion Merchandising and Design, Historic Textile and Costume Collection
Kingston, RI
No grant awarded
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
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