CSA Dependent Care Grant

The CSA Dependent Care Grant provides $250 in grant monies to CSA member(s) attending the symposium who:

  • Are bringing small children to the symposium;
  • Incur extra expenses in leaving their children at home, or;
  • Are responsible for dependent care (elderly parents, partners, adult children with disabilities, etc.).

Priority will go to those who are presenting at the symposium and/or are in the early stages of their careers. This grant does not permit an “overhead” or “operational cut” that many colleges and universities typically take from grant funds they receive.

  • Allowable and Non-allowable Expenses

    Allowable expenses include:

    • Daycare expenses at the symposium (note: there will be no Symposium sponsored daycare services on-site at the symposium);
    • Extra daycare expenses incurred at home because the primary caregiver was attending the symposium (e.g., overtime at a care center, cost of a professional caretaker);
    • Airfare/hotel costs and caretaker fees incurred in bringing a professional caretaker (non-family member) to the symposium to care for the dependent.

    Non-allowable expenses include:

    • Travel or other expenses related to the attendee’s participation in the symposium, including symposium registration, that the attendee would already be incurring by attending the symposium;
    • Travel expenses for the dependent(s) or any family member;
    • Other care expenses not related to attendance at the symposium.
  • Application Procedure

    The complete application should be uploaded as one (1) pdf document under 100MB using this online form and including the following in listed order:

    • Contact Information
    • The name of your accepted abstract or presentation
    • A 1-page (maximum) statement describing:
    1. How you are participating in the symposium or workshop. Examples might include presenting a paper, volunteering as part of the local arrangements committee, attending as a member of a regional or the national board, etc.; and
    2. outlining the specifics of the costs for which you are requesting reimbursement.
  • Rubric

    Each criterion is rated on a scale from 3 - 1 (3 being the highest score).

    1. Conference Participation
    2. Career Stage Benefit
    3. Budget

  • Grant Schedule and Terms

    The application period closes February 3, 2025. All applicants will be notified no later than February 28, 2025.

    Recipients of a Dependent Care Grant must submit receipts for reimbursable expenses (for example, an invoice submitted by the care provider). Expenses in excess of the award amount must be borne by the individual recipient. No funds will be distributed prior to the conclusion of the annual symposium, and no funds are distributed on site at the symposium. Reimbursements will be distributed after the symposium upon submission of receipts (or other documentation) being uploaded as a pdf to the CSA website.

Please Contact the Committee Chair

Melissa Clark, for more information.

Contact Melissa Clark
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