CSA Angels Project

The CSA Angels Project, which first took place in 2006, supports a deserving collection located in or near the host city of that year’s CSA National Symposium. The site is selected by the Angels Project leadership, who work with those at the collection to develop a workable plan for a one-day intensive project that meets the collection’s most pressing needs. Donations of supplies are solicited from the museum industry, and the CSA Endowment purchases small equipment and supplies worth up to $2,500 for the chosen site. Staff and volunteers of the collection are provided with basic training in museum standards of care for costume and accessories collections, and CSA members volunteer to provide expertise and additional human resources to document, catalogue, photograph, label, and store objects from the textile and costume collection. If needed, conservation treatment will also be provided on premises.

Supporters of the institution generally help by providing food, overnight accommodation and travel to and from the symposium hotel for the CSA team. This grant does not permit an “overhead” or “operational cut” that many colleges and universities typically take from grant funds they receive. One Angels Project grant is awarded each year.

Click here to watch an interview with Martha Winslow Grimm, in which she relates the origins and logistics of the Angels Project.


The CSA Angels Project is a one-day event, held each year near the site of the CSA National Symposium, which provides conservation, storage and curatorial assistance to a costume collection at a small institution. The project also affords CSA members who volunteer the opportunity to acquire and practice collection care, management skills, and to work in a team with other CSA members to help preserve a deserving costume collection.

The Angels hard at work at the Howard County Historical Society in Ellicott City, Maryland, in 2024

2025 Angels Project

The 2025 Angels Project scheduled for Saturday, May 31st, will be held at the Flight Path Museum located near the Los Angeles International Airport. The museum is housed in a former MGM Grand Air terminal and the building is part of the history of the movie industry. This Angels Project will be a unique experience for CSA volunteers as we will be working with an all volunteer staff at a museum just twenty one years old. Everyone there is eager to learn more about collections care. Signing up to be part of this Angels Project will begin in February.

2026 Angels Project

Applications for the 2026 Angels Project will open in the summer of 2025. Applying institutions must be located in the area of Charlotte, North Carolina.

  • Eligibility

    Institutions applying for a grant must meet the following requirements:

    • Be a small museum, historical society, historic house or sites, or other similar institution;
    • Have a collection of tangible costume objects;
    • Have a very limited budget ($350,000 or less) and staff (5 or fewer) to support the costume collection who perform multiple responsibilities;
    • Utilize volunteers to perform key staff functions;
    • Be a non-profit organization as recognized under IRS Section 501;
    • Be regularly open to the public for a minimum of forty days a year;
    • Have a work space large enough to accommodate the Angels on the workday;
    • Propose a project relating to maintaining the costume and textile collection;
    • Be located within a forty-five minute drive of the CSA symposium hotel:
    • To accept a grant, an institution must be or become a Library (formerly Institutional) or Museum and Association Member of the CSA or have an active staff member who is an Individual CSA Member.

    A CSA Angels Project Grant is intended to make a dramatic beneficial impact on the receiving institution’s costume collection. Applications will be evaluated on:

    • High impact of the project on the collection’s well-being and mission;
    • Significance of the collection;
    • Feasibility of the project in terms of resources, location, timeline and personnel to carry it out.
  • Application Procedure

    A complete application must be uploaded as one (1) pdf file under 100 MB using this online submission form and include the following documents in listed order:

    • Contact Information
    • Project Proposal (1000 words) including:
    1. Brief description of the project;
    2. Brief description of the institution, including institutional history, the institutional mission, budget, and the paid and unpaid staff (reported as full-time equivalents, i.e. half-time, quarter-time, etc.);
    3. Description of the institutional holdings, especially the size and scope of the costume and textile collection and its relationship to the institutional mission;
    4. Summary of what, if anything, has been done with the costume collection in terms of cataloguing, care and storage, research, interpretation, exhibition, and publication;
    5. Roster of the personnel who work with the collection;
    6. Reasoning for the proposed project (include specific information about the costume objects to which it pertains);
    7. Rationale of the how the proposed project will impact the institution, detailing why the institution needs this grant and how the project meets the costume collection’s most pressing needs.
    • Budget Numbers & Narrative. If equipment or supplies are requested, list what they are and how they will be used.  List the requested items, suppliers, quantity, costs, and totals.
    • Copy of your institution’s most recent IRS Form 990/990-EZ.
    • Any relevant documentation and supporting material.
  • Grant Schedule and Terms

    The application deadline is October 1, 2025. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged within one week. Qualified applicants will be notified after October 15, 2025.  After that date, there will be a visit, virtual or onsite, before a recipient is chosen by the Angels Project Leadership Committee.

    Recipient must publicly acknowledge CSA in all lectures, publications, publicity pertaining to the award.

    The grant committee will review the applications and select a short list of candidates. Institutions may be asked to clarify or refine their applications if necessary, working with the grant committee to ensure their applications if necessary, working with the grant committee to ensure their proposed project is feasible, conservationally sound and meets the collection’s most pressing needs. An onsite visit is conducted when possible. A final evaluation will then be done and the grant committee will select the grant recipient.

    The Angel Project leadership will report to the Board the accomplished work.

Please Contact the Committee Chairs for More Information

Contact Martha Winslow Grimm Contact Margaret Ordoñez

How to Volunteer

Volunteering to help is a great way to meet other CSA members and work with them as part of a team. We hope you’ll join us for our next Angels Project. If you are interested, please contact Project Volunteer Coordinator, Jennifer Tracz.

Contact Jennifer Tracz

Sponsors of the CSA Angels Project



Howard County Historical Society

Ellicott City, Maryland


Heritage Museum of Layton

Layton, Utah


The Ukrainian Museum-Archives

Cleveland, OH


The Heritage Museum

Seguin, TX


Historical Society of Baltimore County

Cockeysville, MD


Hoover Dam / Boulder City Museum

Boulder City, NV


Rebecca Maud Owens Costume Collection

Kansas City, MO


Jackson Barracks Military Museum

New Orleans, LA


Ramona Pioneer Historical Society at the Guy B. Woodward Museum

Ramona, CA


Captain Nathaniel B. Palmer House

Stonington Connecticut Historical Society

Stonington, CT

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